Friday, July 10, 2015

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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

New Blogsite

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Friday, February 6, 2015

Friday, January 16, 2015

Is Creativity overrated?

New blog post on creativity at my new site: 

Saturday, January 10, 2015

New Blog Address for Kevin Bordeaux

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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Summer Affects Everyone's Grass

I have something to admit. I love my neighbor's grass (not his wife). I would like to just lay in it. I will refrain from doing that because that sort of practice may be frowned upon. 
I became very discouraged early on in the summer. 
My grass was turning brown and dying. It seemed like all the neighbor's yards looked great, except mine. As I was mowing my yard one day I looked closely to my neighbor's grass I noticed that their grass was being affected by the summer heat too! It was refreshing. 

We usually fall into the trap of thinking that our grass is the only one being affected by heat. The truth is that we all are affected by the heat. This could be your marriage, ministry, job or overall life. You are not alone in your struggle. You are not alone in your situation. 

I realized several key factors that changed my perspective in this. 

1. Summer affects everyone's grass
A game changer for me was realizing that the perfect yard beside me had flaws too. The perfect marriage, ministry or job has flaws. Summer had affected their yard too. 
Everyone is going through something. Don't withdraw or isolate but rather connect with people. You'll be surprised that summer is tough on everyone. 

2. Water your own Yard
I also noticed that my neighbor waters their yard. I wasn't doing that. They minimized the effects of the summer heat by watering their grass. You may go through a "summer" season but you can also minimize the damage it causes. In your situation, apply some principles that others are applying that make their grass green. Stop complaining and stop making excuses. I went out and bought two sprinklers. I water my grass usually while I'm spending time with God. It's a great reminder to water my own grass. Water your marriage, water your ministry, water your marriage and water relationships. 

3. Don't Covet Your Neighbor's Grass
Finally I had to stop lusting after their grass. They worked hard for their grass. I needed to put time in my yard as well as be thankful. Coveting your neighbor's wife was a no-no on the 10 Commandment level. Why? Many reasons but one is very relevant here. Coveting causes ungratefulness with what you currently have. If you are ungrateful then you will not value what you have. You will stop investing into what God has given you. If you believe there is something better than God's gifts to you that is simpy spelled, "S-I-N." 

Everytime you look at a yard I pray these truths stick with you! 

Saturday, May 17, 2014

IN vs. ON

Let's face it. As leaders we have a lot of tasks that have to be done. There are tons of conversations with people that come up. Don't forget the event that is breathing down our necks or the sermon that is due up again. 
There are a lot of small things that demand our time. 

There is a story of a farmer who was forming a field. He started off by tilling the ground, marking boundaries and even putting up the scarecrow. After a while he began to plant seeds. As he was planting he noticed weeds, bugs and some stones. He worked tirelessly to plant seeds and take up weeds. He spent hours in one section of the field. He forgot to plant the seeds according to the proper season. Because of the distractions he planted haphazardly. He walked up months later and made the statement, "I have been so focused on weeds and seeds that I have all but destroyed the field." 

That could be many of us today. You could be focused on the day to day management that you have lost site of the big picture of the "field." The field could be your health, your marriage, your finances or your ministry. 

The key difference is between working IN it and working ON it. 
Working IN it is: 
•Day to day tasks and management. 
•The lesson, the talk or event. 
•Conversations or helping someone. 
All of these are important but you have to take time to pause, reflect and look at the big picture. 

Working ON it is: 
•Looking at the fulfillment of the mission and goals/results. 
•Big picture planning and calendars 
•Reflecting on your roles in life and your calling. 
Doing this is hard but keeps the field healthy and producing. 

Start to look at your week in terms of working IN or working ON. Both need attention. 
Which one do you "lose" yourself in?