Wednesday, January 26, 2011

5 Questions to Ask Before Communicating

5 Questions to Ask Before Communicating

I recently listened to a talk by Andy Stanley and he outlined these 5 questions that guide his messages. Hope this refreshes and encourages you.
1. What do they need to know? This is your subject. One thought.
2. Why do they need to know it?
Educating them on the importance of your subject/thought.
3. What do they need to do?
4. Why do they need to do it?
Inspiration. "Imagine if..." "What if we all did this what would happen?" Paint a picture.
5. What can I do to help them remember?
Visual reminders, reiteration and point(s) easy to memorize.

I use this outline to help guide my weekly messages. It has made a huge difference.

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