Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sunday's Thoughts: Kool-Aid

Why do people "drink the kool-aid?"
Why aren't people digging my "kool-aid?"
On Sundays, I am going to post thoughts about church and why false movements make it. I watch Jehova's Witnesses and Mormons go out in groups and spread their false gospel. I watch non-Christian movements about saving "pear trees" or something like that flourish and have followers.

Why is it that the church is so bad at starting movements? Only 1 in 10 church plants make it. Why? Why do pastors and youth pastors struggle to keep people coming?

The basic human need of every person is love and acceptance. The second major need on the "Bordeaux's" scale is "a sense of being a part of a greater movement to change the world."

Churches for the most part are lacking in these two areas. We thrive on superficial worship services with superficial relationships. We punish people by with holding love from them if they are not part of our standard or code. We also are so wrapped up in "doing church" and having Bible Studies that we don't have a vision to be a movement, sent by God, to bring tangible change to our communities.

People join false movements because they are accepted, loved and feel part of a movement that is greater than them.

Let's make a personal covenant to see potential and speak to the potential in people around us. Let's return to authentic relationships where people can be transparent. Let's also recover our lost mission and invite people around us to be a part of that.

When is the last time you have told someone how much potential you see in them and called out gifts that you see?

When is the last time you sat over a cup of coffee, or hung out a while after church or a meeting and chatted about life with someone?

When is the last time you have casted vision beyond yourself?

Do people feel accepted in your ministry? Do people have the fire in their eyes about a vision larger than themselves?

Don't be mad if people ain't all up in your kool-aid. Maybe your kool-aid lacks sugar.

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